Major League Hacking 2025 Hackathon Season
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Our 2025 Hackathon is coming up soon! Stay tuned for more information on the schedule, events, and prizes!

Over the course of 24 hours, hackathon participants are encouraged to learn and develop new technical skills, network with sponsor company representatives, and innovate with passion.

This hackathon is entirely student organized and aims to increase diversity and inclusion in the technology industry.

In the wake of recent racist incidents on campus, Hack(H)er413 stands in support of Black students. Read our statement here.




Sponsor Companies



Hack(H)er413 at Grace Hopper 2021

Thank you to the leaders of Grace Hopper for featuring Hack(H)er413. Take a look at the video that was shown at the conference!

What is a Hackathon?

hak-uh-thon • noun

1. This hackathon is a 24-hour technology marathon where participants form teams to collaborate in creating unique programming or hardware projects to present to a panel of judges and win prizes while attending workshops, fun mini-events, and collecting awesome swag.

Learning and Exploring
New Technologies

Participants have access to interactive workshops on areas including data science, robotics, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, product management, Python (and more) taught by industry professionals and professors.

Career Development and Opportunities

Students are given the opportunity to participate in our career fair, interview onsite with sponsor companies, network exclusively with company representatives, and attend career development sessions.

Open to All Levels

Hack(H)er413 is inclusive of all levels of computer science. We encourage undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D students to attend. Come write your first line of code with us, or come show us all you know!

Free of Cost for Admission

This hackathon has free admission. Bring your passion, excitement, and thinking caps!


Last Year's Prizes!

Best Software Hack

Apple Watch SE (2nd Gen)

Best Hardware Hack

Raspberry Pi 4

Best AI Hack

Echo Dot (5th Gen)

Best UI/UX

XPPen Deco V2 Graphics Tablet

Cutest Hack

Mini Projector

These are just some of last year's prizes. See full list of prizes here!

  • Get Involved

    We encourage all gender identities to get involved with Hack(H)er413 through volunteering, mentoring, judging, recruiting or tabling with us! Unfortunately, this year's volunteer and mentor forms are closed. Check back next year to find out how you can get involved!

    A Look Back to Hack(H)er413 in 2024

    • 300+ participants, sponsors, and volunteers
    • 80+ different universities / colleges
    • 19 different countries
    • 45 different majors - students from computer science, mathematics, biological sciences, business, economics, engineering, humanities & fine arts, and other fields!
    • For 88 students, it was their first time attending a hackathon
    • 36 attendees had attended 3 or more hackathons before Hack(H)er413 2023
    • 30+ projects submitted!

    The Hack(H)er413 Experience

    Our mission is to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all women (cis and trans) and non-binary empowering students of all ethnic, gender, socioeconomic, and educational backgrounds and identities to come innovate, learn, and feel safe while doing so!


    Attend Workshops with Professors and Industry

    Sponsors conduct interactive workshops on industry topics, professors deliver talks in their specialized areas.


    Land an Internship or Full-Time Offer at our Career Fair

    Sponsors seek interns and hires through Hack(H)er413, so bring your resume and pitch!


    Brainstorm, Collaborate, Create, to Win an Award

    Team-forming events, mentors, abundance of hardware, and an API directory for your winning hack!


    Network with Industry Reps in "Coffee with Mentors"

    Our low sponsor-to-attendee ratio ensures one-on-one networking + valuable learning from industry reps.


    Indulge in the #1 University Dining Halls in the U.S

    Attendees enjoy access to the #1-ranked Princeton Review Dining Halls at UMass Amherst.


    Engage in an interactive Diversity Panel

    Join our empowering Diversity Panel on women and non-binary leaders in tech.


    Open to All Levels

    Inclusive for all coding levels with events designed around to include all levels!


    Launch Your Start-Up or Product + Receive Funding

    Fun fact: The 2019 winners received $7,500 to launch their product and became hack CEOs!

    Previous Projects

    Take a look at some of 2023's project winners!



    The POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) Pacer is a wearable that measures body temperature and pulse to warn individuals of a POTS "attack."


    Artificial Sign Language

    The Artificial Sign Language uses AI to translate sign language into spoken words. This technology has the potential to break down communication barriers!



    We've made a Chrome extension that serves as a "productivity hub"!These include a simple to do list and a representation of the weather, temperature, and time.



    My(Non-Toxic)FitnessPal is a wellness application that de-emphasizes calories in tracking nutrition, fitness, and wellbeing. It allows you search and track meals that you eat throughout the day.



    Our website raises awareness about the importance of good posture to prevent health issues like carpal tunnel syndrome.


    Bouba-Kiki Analyzer

    It takes in the user input using the Bouba/Kiki principle in linguistics to determine how "round" or "spiky" the input is.

    Our Venue

    Hack(H)er413 2024-2025 will be held in the Integrated Learning Center (ILC) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst campus.
    This year, everyone will be able to attend in person!

    Past Contributors

    Adobe Express
    Insight Global

    Past Partners

    Sticker Mule
    Google Cloud
    Stand Out Stickers
    Echo 3D
    Echo 3D

    Interested in Sponsoring Hack(H)er413?

    Mentorship Opportunities

    Employees (engineers and anyone excited about tech) may volunteer to serve as mentors at the hackathon to help participants with creating and presenting their projects.

    Host a Workshop

    A company representative can host a virtual or in person workshop on any tech topic; it's a great way to introduce participants to technology that relates to what your company works with.

    Network with Students

    Your company can feature new job and internship postings and technology updates in our weekly newsletter sent to over 300 students across the world. Your recruiters will have access to the event's slack channel along with a private company slack where they can send virtual blasts about events they are hosting and chat with participants one-on-one.

    Donate Prizes

    Your company will donate prizes for a specific pre-existing category. Create Your Own Prize Category: You can create your own category specific to your company & sponsor the prize!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a hackathon?

    A hackathon is an invention marathon. Students come together to build cool software & hardware creations over 8 hours. It's very beginner friendly.

    Do I have to pay to attend?

    Nope. Attending this hackathon is free!

    Will there be any travel reinbursements?

    There will be no travel reinbursements offered this year.

    Do I need to be a student to attend?

    Yes. Only students who are currently enrolled at a college/university or have graduated in the last 12 months are eligible to attend.

    I do not identify as a woman or non-binary student. Can I still participate?

    Yes, everyone is encouraged to apply. Hack(H)er413 strives to provide a women and nonbinary-empowering environment, including those of other genders that identify as allies.

    What were last year's prizes?

    See Full List of Prizes Here

    Where is the event?

    This year, we plan to host the event in the ILC (Integrated Learning Center) at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. As the event date draws closer, participants will receive email updates with specific links and information!

    Is there a code of conduct?

    Yes there is. We strictly enforce the MLH Code of Conduct.

    Meet Our Organizing Team

    Our leaders in technology, marketing, finance, sponsorship, outreach, operations, and more.

    Hallie Liu



    Erica Phan



    Anisha Sharda

    Assistant Director


    Joelle Beck

    Head of Outreach


    Agneshka Rohra

    Assistant Head of Outreach



    Co - Head of Sponsorship

    Gauri Arvind

    Co - Head of Sponsorship


    Maitri Gohi

    Head of Finance


    Divya Raghunathan

    Head of Social Media


    Venkata Samyukta Malapaka

    Head of Logistics


    Aditi Ravindra

    Assistant Head of Logistics


    Susan Ubogu

    Head of Diveristy/Inclusion


    Sandy Son

    Head of Marketing


    Anushree Patil

    Head of Hardware Team | Fuse @ UMass


    Samridh Tuteja

    Co - Head of Hardware | Fuse @ UMass


    Kavya Manchanda

    Assistant Head of Hardware | Fuse @ UMass


    Meenakshi Iyer

    Head of Technology | Fuse @ UMass


    Khiem Nguyen

    Co Head of Technology


    Larissa Zhu

    Assistant Head of Technology


    Hayun Jung

    Assistant Head of Technology
